Asia Pacific`s Most Prestigious Awards for Entrepreneurs
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
{APEA} Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2011 - Indonesia , Nominations Now Open!
Jakarta, Juni 2011: Enterprise Asia pada bulan ini telah membuka pendaftaran untuk menjadi nominasi di ajang penghargaan tertinggi kewirausahan di Asia Pacific untuk wilayah Indonesia “Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award 2011 – Indonesia”. Penghargaan yang tahun ini diselenggarakan ke-4 kalinya di Indonesia, merupakan penghargaan tingkat dunia untuk menghormati para pengusaha yang telah menunjukkan kinerja yang luar biasa dan keuletan dalam mengembangkan bisnis yang sukses di wilayah negaranya.
Pada tahun 2008 sampai 2010, sebanyak 300 pengusaha Indonesia telah mendaftarkan diri menjadi nominasi di acara Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA), dan sebanyak 57 orang pengusaha telah menerima penghargaan tersebut. Sama dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pada tahun ini dibuka pendaftaran untuk menjadi nominasi di 2 kategori penghargaan, yaitu “Most Promising Entrepreneur” penghargaan ini diberikan kepada pengusaha yang menampilkan prestasi yang luar biasa di masa lalu dan saat ini, dan mempunyai visi untuk mengembangkan perusahaannya menjadi perusahaan yang terkemuka dalam waktu dekat. Dan kategori “Outstanding Entrepreneur” , penghargaan diberikan individu yang telah berprestasi dalam menunjukan atribut kewirausahaannya dan menjadikan mereka role model bagi para pengusaha baru. Serta keuletan dan ketekunan yang membuat mereka terus berinovasi dan membuat perbedaan dalam berbagai situasi serta lingkungannya.
Berikut nama-nama pengusaha yang telah menerima penghargaan Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award – Indonesia
Kategori “Outstanding Entrepreneur“
1.Stanley Setia Atmaja : President Director, PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk.
2.Liu Samuel Yu : President Director, PT. Asrigita Prasarana
3.Hiramsyah Sambudhy Thaib : President Director & CEO PT. Bakrieland Development, Tbk
4.Ali Yong : Director, PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk
5.Pramukti Surjaudaja : President and CEO, PT. Bank NISP Tbk
6.Kosin Soemawidjaja : President Director, PT. Eka Dharma Jaya sakti
7.Chand Ratan Dugar : President Director, PT. Elegant Textile Industry
8.Eteng A. Salam : President Director, PT. Elnusa Tbk
9.Hasnul Suhaimi : President Director , PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk
10.Dr. Ing. Gunadi Sindhuwinata : President Director, PT. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk
11.H. M. Syahrial Yusuf, SE, MBA, MM : President Director, LP3I
12.Jeffrey Koes Wonsono : President Director, PT. Multipolar Corporation Tbk
13.Dr. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo : President Director, PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk
14.Adi Rusli : Managing Director, PT. Oracle Indonesia
15.Satrijanto Tirtawisata : Chief Executuve Officer, PT. Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk
16.Saripin Taidy : Presiden Director, PT. Probesco Disatama
17.Ir. Triharyo Soesilo, MCHE : President Director / CEO. PT. Rekayasa industri
18.Retno Iswari Tranggono, MD : President Director, PT. Ristra Indolab
19.Asep Sulaiman Sabanda : President Director, PT. Santika Duta Nusantara
1.Ramajanto Tirtawisata : Managing Director; Panorama Tours
2.Hendy setiono : President Director; PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia
3.Yuliasianne Sulistiyawati : Founder & President Director; PT. Pazia Pillar Mercycom
4.Willy Suwandi Dharma : President Director; PT. Asuransi Adira Dinamika
5.Dr. Darwan M. Purba MD : Founder and President Commissioner; Jakarta Eye Center
6.Amal Alghozali : Director; PT. SMS Indoputra
7.Dr. Ing Gunadi Sindhuwinata : President Director; PT. Indomobil Sukses International
8.Arya Damar : President Director; PT. Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis
9.Sukrisno : President Director; PT. Bukit Asam
10.Hiramsyah Sambudhy Thaib : President Director and Ceo; PT. Bakrieland Development
11.Prita Kemal Gani : Founder & Director; STIKOM London School
12.Marc Steinmeyer : Presiden Director; PT. Tauzia Hotel Management
1.Garibaldi Thohir : President Director; PT. Adaro Energy Tbk
2.Hendy setiono : Owner & CEO; PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia
3.Sukrisno : President Director; PT. Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk
4.Andianto Setiabudi: President Director; PT. Cipaganti Citra Graha
5.Emirsyah Satar : President & CEO; PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
6.Yuliasianne Sulistiyawati : Founder & President Director; PT. Pazia Pillar Mercycom
Kategori “Most Promising Entrepreneur”
1.Hendy Setiono : President Director, PT. Baba rafi Indonesia
2.Yoris Sebastian : Chief Creative Officer, OMG Creative Consulting
3.Yuliasiane Sulistiyawati : Managing Director, PT. Pazia Pillar Mercycom
4.Andrie Trisaksono : Director, PT. Tri Cahya Inti Cipta
5.Helmy Yahya : President Director, PT Triwarsana
6.Reza V. Maspaitella : President & CEO, PT. Valdo international
7.Drs. Ec. Peter Wongso : CEO, Wong Hang Distinguished Tailor
1.A. Ariyanto Zainal : Founder; PT. Mitraguna Adikriya
2.B. Subagio Hadiwidjojo : Chief Executife Officer; Double Dipps Donuts & Coffee
3.Iwansja Gunawan : President Director; PT. Veneta Indonesia
4.Firmansyah Budi Prasetyo, S.H : Chairman; cv. Cipta Mandiri Kreasindo
5.Henky Eko Sriyantono : President Director; Bakso Malang Kota “Cak Eko”
6.Saptuari Sugiharto, S.Si : Founder & General manager; cv. Kedai Kreasi Digital
7.Antarina S.F.Amir : Managing Director; High /Scope Indonesia
8.Joseph Edi Hut Lumban Gaol : Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
1.Suherman Mihardja : Founder; Allure
2.Elang Gumilang : Owner & CEO; PT. Dwikarsa Semestaguna
3.Denni Delyandri : Owner; cv. Media kreasi
4.Agung Nugroho Susanto : President Director; PT. Sushantco Indonesia
5.H, Hermanto J. Moestopo : Chairman; Universitas Moestopo
1.Hendy Setiono : President Director, PT. Baba rafi Indonesia
2.Yoris Sebastian : Chief Creative Officer, OMG Creative Consulting
3.Yuliasiane Sulistiyawati : Managing Director, PT. Pazia Pillar Mercycom
4.Andrie Trisaksono : Director, PT. Tri Cahya Inti Cipta
5.Helmy Yahya : President Director, PT Triwarsana
6.Reza V. Maspaitella : President & CEO, PT. Valdo international
7.Drs. Ec. Peter Wongso : CEO, Wong Hang Distinguished Tailor
1.A. Ariyanto Zainal : Founder; PT. Mitraguna Adikriya
2.B. Subagio Hadiwidjojo : Chief Executife Officer; Double Dipps Donuts & Coffee
3.Iwansja Gunawan : President Director; PT. Veneta Indonesia
4.Firmansyah Budi Prasetyo, S.H : Chairman; cv. Cipta Mandiri Kreasindo
5.Henky Eko Sriyantono : President Director; Bakso Malang Kota “Cak Eko”
6.Saptuari Sugiharto, S.Si : Founder & General manager; cv. Kedai Kreasi Digital
7.Antarina S.F.Amir : Managing Director; High /Scope Indonesia
8.Joseph Edi Hut Lumban Gaol : Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
1.Suherman Mihardja : Founder; Allure
2.Elang Gumilang : Owner & CEO; PT. Dwikarsa Semestaguna
3.Denni Delyandri : Owner; cv. Media kreasi
4.Agung Nugroho Susanto : President Director; PT. Sushantco Indonesia
5.H, Hermanto J. Moestopo : Chairman; Universitas Moestopo
Selain Indonesia, Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2011 juga diselenggarakan di Negara Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, India dan Cina.
Pada penghargaan ini terdapat kategori penghargaan spesial yang merupakan penghargaan undangan kepada pengusaha-pengusaha terpilih untuk meraih predikat menjadi Entrepreneur of The Year, Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Women Entrepreneur of The Year dan Lifetime Achievement. Berikut nama-nama pengusaha yang telah meraih penghargaan di kategori APEA pada tahun 2008 hingga 2010 :
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Dr. Ir. Ciputra; Founder / Chairman, PT. Ciputra Group (2008)
Mochtar Riady; Founder & Chairman, Lippo Group (2009).
Woman Entrepreneur of the Year:
Ms. Martha Tilaar; Founder and Chairperson, Martha Tilaar Group (2008)
Shanti L. Poesposoetjipto; Chairman, PT. Samudra Indonesia (2009)
Young Entrepreneur of the Year:
Erwin Aksa; Chief Executive officer, Bosowa Corporation (2009)
Anindya Bakrie; CEO & President Director, PT. Bakrie Telecom (2010)
Entrepreneur of the Year:
Sandiago Uno; CEO, Saratoga Capital (2008)
Chairul Tanjung; Chairman, Para Group (2009)
Hary Tanoesoedibjo; CEO, MNC Group (2010)
Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, penyelenggaraan APEA dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Award (AREA), penghargaan ini merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada perusahaan yang memiliki program Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) terbaik yang memiliki konsep tanggung jawab terhadap konsumen / karyawan dan lingkungan dalam aspek operasional perusahaan. Pada tahun 2011 AREA diselenggarakan secara regional di tingkat Asia Pasifik.
Pendaftaran nominasi APEA 2011 – Indonesia, dibuka pada 1 juni 2011 hingga 29 agustus 2011. Pemberian penghargaan akan dilaksanakan pada 5 Oktober 2011 di Jakarta. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:
Enterprise Asia – Indonesia
Gedung Jamkrindo, lantai 5
Jln. Angkasa blok B-9 , Kav 6, Jakarta Pusat 10610
T : +62 21 6542313
F : +62 21 6540408
W: http://www.apea.asia
Gedung Jamkrindo, lantai 5
Jln. Angkasa blok B-9 , Kav 6, Jakarta Pusat 10610
T : +62 21 6542313
F : +62 21 6540408
W: http://www.apea.asia
Enterprise Asia
Enterprise Asia adalah organisasi non-pemerintah yang bergerak dalam bidang pembangunan kewirausahaan Asia Pasifik yang mendorong dan membangun kesempatan dan aturan yang adil untuk melahirkan pengusaha.
Kami mengutamakan kejujuran, keseimbangan, dan tanggung jawab para pengusaha. Kami percaya bahwa sesungguhnya pondasi ekonomi nasional dibangun oleh para pengusaha; yang apabila dikelola dengan baik dan benar akan menjadi aset potesial untuk kelanjutan dan prediksi ekonomi yang lebih baik. Dengan semangat kewirausahaan berbagai negara, diharapkan bisa menyelesaikan masalah kondisi sosial serta isu ekonomi yang ada, termasuk masalah kemiskinan, kesenjangan sosial, konflik ras dan budaya, dan ketenagakerjaan.
Kami bekerjasama dengan pemerintah, lembaga non-pemerintah dan organisasi lain untuk mendorong kompetisi dalam pembangunan jiwa kewirausahaan. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan status ekonomi masyarakat Asia, yang bisa mempunyai harapan, inovasi, serta generasi penerus bangsa yang lebih berani.
About Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards
Presenting the Most Prestigious Asia Pacific awards for outstanding entrepreneurship. APEA recognizes business. leaders foroutstanding entrepreneurship as judged by an independent judging panel. These Awards are accorded to the exemplary few who have shown outstanding performance in the communication of their visions, brands and strategies. Our objective is to enhance the awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship amongst the general public and in turn, stimulate the growth of local and regional brands and enterprises both locally TM and regionally.
Organized by Enterprise Asia and supported by local governments and businesses, the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship awards aim to band leading entrepreneurs across the region to spur greater innovation, fair practices and growth in entrepreneurship. It hopes to be a platform to encourage continued leadership towards sustainable economic development for the region.
The Indonesian Award is open to any owner or CEO of any business enterprise in Indonesia. To be eligible to receive an award, the nominee must be either:
- The owner-manager who is responsible for the company’s day to day performance,
- The founder of the business who retains a substantial percentage (20% or more) of the company’s equities, or
- The CEO of the company (with or without equity interest) for 3 years or more and has increased the company’s financial performance since taking over the rein.
Additionally, there is a minimum revenue requirement:
Above USD 1 million (last two financial years) for Promising Entrepreneur category and US $10 million (cumulative past two financial years) for Outstanding Entrepreneur category. This requirement may be waived or relaxed by the Organisers for certain industries or circumstances.
The nominee for the Indonesia Region can be of any nationality. However, the business must have substantial operations in indonesia and /or is founded in Indonesia. Anyone can nominate an entrepreneur including the entrepreneur himself or herself.
The Prestige of APEA Winners:
All APEA outstanding winners are now part of an elite group in Asia Pacific who received the coveted Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards enjoying the prestige that comes with being one of Asia’s best!
Developing Entrepreneurship For Asia :
The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Forum (APEF) is conceived from the growing need for Asian entrepreneurs to connect, create a synergistic business environment and take sustainable actions to propel Asian business to greater heights.
The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Forum is a gathering of Asia’s top entrepreneurs to connect, share experience & knowledge, and identify regional challenges & opportunities to lead Asia in its entrepreneurship agenda. A forum by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, we strive to create an Asia that is rich in entrepreneurship as an engine towards responsible, sustainable, progressive economic and social development.
The APEF aims to bridge leaders of industries, government leaders and budding entrepreneurs in dialogue through being a platform to share experience and knowledge between entrepreneurs within the Asian region.
To help Asian entrepreneurs to emerge as victors and not merely survivors of this economic downturn, the APEF will also address on cross-regional challenges, uncertainties and set regional entrepreneurship agenda.
More importantly, as a means to revitalize and energize businesses across the region, APEF will examine and bring together the various business opportunities within the region to ensure that Asian entrepreneurs continue to compete in the wake of economic slowdown.
Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA) is given in honour of enterprising men and women who have proven their enterprising spirit, whilst not neglecting the social responsibilities that come with business leaderaship.
We welcome your nominations in the following categories:
- Category 1: Outstanding Entrepreneur Awards
- Category 2: Most Promising Entrepreneurs Awards
- Category 3: Special Achievement Awards (by invitation only)
There is an in-depth search and selection process for the Awards composed of generating entries, initial screening and audit verification by a reputable Audit Partner. Score carding process by the auditors, panel of representatives from supporting organizations & final judging by the Advisory Panel.
Audit Partner
As the most prestigious recognition program for Enterprises in the region, we seek to recognize Industry’s best and most deserving. Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information; also to provide an assessment of a system’s internal control. The goal of an audit is to express an opinion on the nomination in question, under evaluation based on work done on a test basis. Therefore, we seek to work with industry experts and professional in processing the nomination and select the industry’s best.
Advisory Panel
The judging panel is made up of regionally recognized icons from a diverse field of industry sectors and disciplines. The judges are bound by a strict confidentiality agreement and are required to declare any conflict of interest in entries over which they deliberate and to stand aside from deliberations concerning those entries.
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